Cookie Candy Tacos

It is Halloween! Time for treats and cool tricks. Most of us have already partied hard over the weekend, but for those who can not get enough, there is still time. If you need some quick treats for a prompt Halloween party, try making some cookie candy tacos. These treats are quick and easy to make, and if you have Halloween candy, you are half way there. First you start out with a sugar cookie dough, it can be made or purchase it. Next you roll out the dough and stamped out circles that are about 3 inches (15 cm) in diameter. Then you will need to shape the cookie dough into a taco shape and place them into a muffin pan to retain the shape. After the cookie shells are baked at the usual time, you can now consider the candy filling. Fun size chocolate candy of any brand can been chopped up and placed inside the cookie shell. For a bigger taste, drizzle some chocolate sauce over the taco to give it an authentic look. Voila! Cookie Candy Tacos!